One Week with Ellie | Making a Short Film
What Were You Foreshadowing Dylan?
You may have picked up from the mentions in the previous two posts (if not, you should read them!) that girlfriend Ellie was visiting. Since we don't get to see each other all that often due to the whole, "she lives in Italy" thing, it felt like making a short film was the perfect way to relive this week until the next time. This resulted in what is to me, the best video so far.
I feel like the overall production quality was lifted and shots felt crisper and clearer than before. Be this the experience I've been slowly accumulating, or simply making a short film with a more attractive star to the video than me (compliments to boost my self esteem are encouraged.)
Tangent warning: Around Christmas time, some of my family friends asked to see a picture of Ellie. After one caught a glimpse (cheers Davy), he was quick to voice his opinion of her being "out of my league". What followed was me closing my eyes while else everyone in the room voted if this was true or not. The majority said she wasn't but I know deep down they didn't want to hurt my feelings lol.
One Week With Ellie
I won't say too much about the video, other than I'm proud of the end product. I made more use of slow motion and implemented some new editing techniques to keep things interesting and show Ellie exploring Glasgow.
One thing to point out it the ending, similar to The Wedding (blog post 1) ends on a fade out. I did this to give the impression that she was going back home (sad face) as I didn't want a blunt end to the video.
Thank you so much for the support over this 5 part series. I hope you'll stick around to see more and try making a short film yourself!
Dylan xx
What now?
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